planet watch
whats up
Volume 17 -- Issue 6
Sky Watch Calendar -- June 2011
01. New Moon
Partial Solar Eclipse
03. Very Thin Waxing Crescent Moon
   At The Feet Of The Gemini Twins
Neptune Begins Retrograde Motion
05. Waxing Crescent Near The Gemini Twins
07. Waxing Crescent Near Regulus in Leo
09. First Quarter Moon
Moon West of Saturn
10. Waxing Gibbous Moon Near Spica
12. Moon at Perigee - 367 189 km
Mercury At Superior Conjunction
14. Waxing Gibbous Moon Near Antares
Saturn Ends Retrograde Motion
15. Full Moon
Total Lunar Eclipse
20. Cassini Flyby of Titan
21. June Solstice
Sun Enters astrological Sign of Cancer
22. Sun Enters Astronomical of sign Gemini
23. Last Quarter Moon
24. Moon at Apogee - 404 271 km
26. Waning Crescent Moon Near Jupiter
Uranus At West Quadrature
28. Waning Crescent Moon Near Pleiades
Pluto At Opposition
29. Thin Waning Crescent Moon
   Between Mars and Venus