planet watch
above the solar system
whats up
Volume 16 -- Issue 11
Planet Watch -- November 2010

Mercury will be visible but low over the western horizon after the first week or so of the month but as the days pass Mercury will be setting later and be more visible at sunset.
Venus is visible at sunrise over the eastern horizon after the first week or so. Each morning it rises earlier becoming more visible as the we go through the month.
Mars is very low over the southwestern horizon at sunset and may be seen, possibly, given clear skies at the horizon and a relatively flat horizon. Watch for Mercury to pass by Mars on the evenings of the 19th to 21st.
Jupiter rises after sunset local time and is visible throughout the night hours. Watch for the waxing gibbous Moon to pass by Jupiter on the evenings of the 15th to 17th.
Saturn rises before the Sun and is easiliy seen over the southeastern horizon this month.