planet watch
whats up
Volume 16 -- Issue 11
Sky Watch Calendar -- November 2010
01. Launch of STS-133 to ISS
03. Moon at Perigee - 364 191 km
04. EPOXI Flyby of Comet 103P/Hartley 2
06. New Moon
07. Thin Waxing Crescent Moon
  Near Mars and Mercury
'Fall Back', Sort Of - Start Standard Time
Neptune Ends retrograde Motion
11. Cassini Titan Flyby
13. First Quarter Moon
15. Moon at Apogee - 404 631 km
16. Waxing Gibbous Moon
  Near Jupiter
Venus Resumes Ends Retrograde Motion
17. Leonid Meteor Shower Peak
19. Waxing Gibbous Moon
  Near Hamal in Aries
Jupiter Ends Retrograde Motion
21. Full Moon
Full Moon
  Near the Pleiades and Aldebaran
22. Sun Enters the
  Astrological Sign of Sagittarius
23. Sun Enters the
  Astronomical Sign of Scorpius
25. Waning Gibbous Moon
  Near the Gemini Twins
28. Last Quarter Moon
Last Quarter Moon
  Near Regulus
30. Moon at Perigee - 369 430 km