planet watch
whats up
Volume 18 -- Issue 2
Sky Watch Calendar -- February 2012
01. Moon Near The Pleiades
02. Moon Near Aldebaran
05. Moon Near Gemini Twins
07. Full Moon
Mercury at Superior Conjunction
08. Saturn Begins retrograde Motion
Moon Near Regulus
09. Moon Near Mars
11. Moon at Perigee - 367 922 km
12. Participate in Globe at Night
Moon Near Spica
13. Last Quarter Moon
Moon Near Saturn
15. Moon Near Antares
17. The Sun Enters the Astronomical
   Sign Of Aquarius
19. Neptune in Solar Conjunction
Comet Garradd (C2009 P1)
The Sun Enters the Astrological
   Sign of Aquarius
Cassini Flyby of Titan
21. New Moon
22. Moon Near Mercury
Mars Begins Retrograde
25. Moon Near Venus
26. Moon Near Jupiter
27. Moon at Apogee - 404 862 km
28. Moon Near The Pleiades
29. Leap Day
Mercury returns to the Evenin Sky
Moon Near The Hyades