planet watch
whats up
Volume 17 -- Issue 9
Sky Watch Calendar -- September 2011
01. Waxing Crescent Moon Near Spica
02. Mercury at Sunrise
03. Mercury At West Elongation
Waxing Crescent Moon Near Antares
04. First Quarter Moon
08. Launch of GRAIL Mission
09. Waxing Gibbous Moon Near Two Nebula
12. Full Moon
Cassini Titan Flyby
13. Spring Equinox - Mars
15. Moon at Apogee - 406 065 km
16. Waning Gibbous Moon Near Jupiter
Pluto Ends retrograde Motion
Dwarf Planet Ceres At Opposition
17. Sun Enters Astronomical Sign Of Virgo
18. Waning Gibbous Moon Near the Pleiades
19. Waning Gibbous Moon Near the Hyades
20. Last Quarter Moon
23. September Equinox
Sun Enters Astrological Sign of Libra
26. Uranus At Opposition
27. New Moon
28. Moon at Perigee - 357 557 km
Mercury At superior Conjunction
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