planet watch
whats up
Volume 17 -- Issue 11
Sky Watch Calendar -- November 2011
02. First Quarter Moon
Today is a Palindrome Day
   2011 11 02 or 2011 11 02
03. Taurid Meteor Shower Peak
05. Launch of Phobos-Grunt to Phobos
06. Fall Back! Daylight Saving Time Ends
Cassini Flyby of Moon Enceladeus
08. Moon at Apogee - 406 177 km
09. Waxing Gibbous Moon Near Jupiter
Neptune Ends retrograde Motion
10. Full Moon
11. Waning Gibbous Moon Near Pleiades
13. Launch of Expedition 29 to ISS
14. Mercury at East Elongation
16. Waning Gibbous Moon Near The Twins
17. Leonids Meteor Shower Peak
18. Last Quarter Moon
Last Quarter Moon Near Mars
19. Waning Crescent Moon Near Mars
20. Neptune At East Quadrature
21. Expedition 30 Crew Returns from ISS
22. Waning Crescent Moon Near Saturn
Sun Enters astrological Sign of Sagittarius
23. Moon at Perigee - 359 691 km
Sun Enters Astronomical Sign Of Scorpius
24. Mercury Begins retrograde Motion
25. Launch of Mars Science Lab-Curiosity
New Moon
Partial Solar Eclipse
26. Thin Waxing Crescent Moon Near Venus
30. Sun Enters Astronomical Sign Of Ophiuchus
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