planet watch
whats up
Volume 17 -- Issue 12
Sky Watch Calendar -- December 2011
02. First Quarter Moon
Mars at West Quadrature
04. Mercury at Inferior Connjunction
06. Moon at Apogee - 405 414 km
Waxing Gibbous Moon Near Jupiter
08. Waxing Gibbous Moon Near The Pleiades
09. Waxing Gibbous Moon Near Aldebaran
10. Full Moon
Total Lunar Eclipse
12. Waning Gibbous Moon Near Gemini Twins
14. Geminid Meteor Shower
16. Waning Gibbous Moon Near Regulus
17. Waning Gibbous Moon Near Mars
18. Last Quarter Moon
Sun Enters the Astronomical
   Sign of Sagittarius
20. Waning Crescent Moon Near Saturn
21. December Solstice 2330 CST
Sun Enters the astrological
   Sign of Capricornus
22. Moon at Perigee - 364 800 km
23. Ursid Meteor Shower
Mercury at West Elongation
Comet Garradd at Perihelion
24. New Moon
26. Jupiter Ends Retrograde Motion
Waxing Crescent Moon Near Venus
29. Pluto in solar Conjunction
31. Ceres at Solar Conjunction
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