planet watch
sun watch
whats up
Volume 16 -- Issue 8
Sky Watch Calendar -- August 2010
01. Happy B'day Maria Mitchell-1818
03. Last quarter Moon
04. Waning crescent Moon
  near Pleiades
05. Waning crescent Moon
  near Hyades
07. Mercury at east elongation
Viking II orbits Mars-1976
08 Triple Conjunction at sunset:
  Venus, Saturn, Mars
09. Launch of Luna 24, (USSR)-1976
10. New Moon
Moon at perigee - 357 857 km
Sun enters astronomical
  sign of Leo
Launch of Lunar Orbiter (USA)-1966
11. Neptune has rings! Voyager II-1989
12. Perseid Meteor Shower peak
13. Waxing crescent Moon
  near 3 planets
14. Waxing crescent Moon
  near Spica
16. First quarter Moon
23. Sun enters astrological
  sign of Virgo
19. Venus and Mars conjunction
20. Venus at eastern elongation
Mercury begins retrograde
Neptune at opposition
24. Full Moon
Moon at apogee - 406 389 km
26. Waning gibbous Moon
  near Jupiter
29. Waning gibbous Moon
  near stars of Aries