Monthly Calendar
April 2023

  • 05. Full Moon
  • 07. Moon at Descending Node
  • 10. Moon - Antares Conjunction
  •       Venus - Pleiades Conjunction
  • 11. Jupiter at Solar Conjunction
  •       Mercury at Eastern Elongation
  • 13. Last Quarter Moon
  • 15. Moon at Perigee: 228,664 miles (368,000 km)
  •       Moon - Saturn Conjunction
  • 19. New Moon
  •       Hybrid Solar Eclipse
  •       Sun Enters Astronomical Constellation of Ares the Ram
  •       Sun Not Really in Astrological Constellation of Taurus the Bull
  • 20. Moon at Ascending Node
  • 22. Moon – Pleiades Conjunction
  •       Lyrid Shower: ZHR = 20
  • 23. Moon - Venus Conjunction
  • 25. Moon - Mars Conjunction
  • 26. Moon - Pollux Conjunction
  • 27. First Quarter Moon
  • 28. Moon at Apogee: 251,220 miles (404,300 km)
