Monthly Calendar
March 2020

  • 01. Waxing Crescent Moon near the Pleiades
  • 02. First Quarter Moon
  • 04. Moon at Ascending Node
  •       Moon at Northernmost Declination: 23.4° N
  • 05. Waxing Gibbous Moon near Pollux
  • 08. Begin Daylight Saving Time (U.S.A.)
  •       Neptune at Solar Conjunction
  • 09. Full Moon
  • 10. Moon at Perigee: 221,892 miles (357,100 km)
  • 11. Sun Does Enter Astronomical constellation of Pisces the Fishes
  • 14. International Planetarium Day
  •       Pi Day
  • 16. Last Quarter Moon
  •       Moon at Descending Node
  • 17. Moon at Southernmost Declination: 23.5° S
  • 18. Waning Crescent Moon near Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn
  • 20. March Equinox 3:54 UT (11:54 pm 19 March)
  •       Sun Does Not Enter the astrological constellation of Aries the Ram
  •       Mars and Jupiter Close Conjunction
  • 21. Waning Crescent Moon near Mercury
  • 23. Mercury Elongation at Western Elongation
  • 24. New Moon
  •       Moon Apogee: 252,712 miles (406,700 km)
  •       Venus at Greatest Eastern Elongation
  • 28. Earth Hour
  • 31. Moon at Ascending Node
  •       Mars and Saturn Close Conjunction