Monthly Calendar
January 2020

  • 01. Mars as a 'Morning Star'
  • 02. Moon at Apogee: 251,407 miles (404,600 km)
  •       Saturn near Pluto
  • 03. First Quarter Moon
  • 04. Quadrantids Meteor Shower
  • 05. Earth at Perihelion: 0.9832 AU (91,394,150 miles : 147,084,626 km)
  • 07. Waxing Gibbous Moon near Aldebaran
  • 09. Moon at Ascending Node
  • 10. Mercury Superior Conjunction
  •       Full Moon
  •       Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
  •       Full Moon near Pollux
  • 11. Waning Gibbous Moon near, M-44, the Beehive Open Star Cluster
  •       Uranus Ends Retrograde Motion
  • 12. Waning Gibbous Moon near Regulus
  • 13. Saturn at Solar Conjunction
  •       Moon at Perigee: 227,422 miles (366,000 km)
  • 17. Last Quarter Moon
  •       Last Quarter Moon near Spica
  •       Mars Passes Antares over the next week
  • 20. Waning Crescent Moon near Mars and Antares
  •       Sun Does Enter the Astronomical constellation
                 of Capricornus the Sea Goat
  •       Sun Does Not enter the astrological constellation
                 of Aquarius the Water Bearer
  • 22. Moon at Descending Node
  •       Very Thin Waning Crescent Moon near Jupiter
  •       Uranus at East Quadrature
  • 24. New Moon
  • 25. Very Thin Waxing Crescent Moon near Mercury
  • 27. Thin Waxing Crescent Moon, west of Venus
  • 28. Thin Waxing Crescent Moon, east of Venus
  • 29. Moon at Apogee: 251,904 miles (405,400 km)
  • 31. Waxing Crescent Moon near Uranus and Dwarf Planet Eris
