Monthly Calendar
February 2020

  • 01. First Quarter Moon
  • 02. Ground Hog Day
  • 03. Waxing Gibbous Moon near Aldebaran
  • 06. Moon at Ascending Node
  • 07. Waxing Gibbous Moon near Gemini Twins
  • 09. Full Moon
  •       Moon near Regulus
  • 10. Mercury at Eastern Elongation
  •       Moon at Perigee: 223,981 miles (360,463 km)
  • 13. Waning Gibbous Moon near Asteroid Spica
  • 15. Last Quarter Moon
  • 16. Waning Crescent Moon near Antares
  • 17. Sun Does Enter Aquarius the Water Bearer
  • 18. Waning Crescent Moon near Mars
  •       Moon at Descending Node
  • 19. Waning Crescent Moon near Jupiter
  •       Sun Does Not Enter Pisces the Fishes
  • 20. Waning Crescent Moon near Saturn
  • 23. New Moon
  • 25. Mercury at Inferior Conjunction
  • 26. Moon at Apogee: 252,448 miles (406,276 km)
  • 27. Waxing Crescent Moon near Venus
  • 29. A Leap Day