Monthly Calendar
April 2020

  • 01. First Quarter Moon
  • 02. Asteroid Juno at Opposition
  • 03. Venus near the Pleiades Open Star Cluster
  •       Mercury near Neptune
  • 04. Waxing Gibbous Moon near Regulus
  • 07. Moon at Perigee: 221,772 miles (356,908 km)
  •       Full Moon – ‘Super Moon’
  • 08. Mars Autumnal Equinox
  • 08. Mars Autumnal Equinox
  • 11. Waxing Gibbous Moon near Antares
  •       International Day of Human Space Flight
  • 13. Moon at Descending Node
  •       Moon at Southernmost Declination: 23.8° S
  • 14. Last Quarter Moon
  •       Moon near Jupiter
  •       Jupiter at Western Quadrature
  • 15. Waning Crescent Moon near Saturn and Mars
  • 16. Dwarf Planet Haumea at Opposition
  •       Waning Crescent Moon near Mars
  • 17. Waning Crescent Moon near Dwarf Planet Ceres
  • 18. Sun Does Enter the Astronomical Constellation Aires the Ram
  • 19. Sun Does Not Enter the astrological constellation Taurus the Bull
  • 20. Moon at Apogee: 252,563 miles (406,641 km)
  • 21. Lyrids Meteor Shower Peak
  •       Saturn at Western Quadrature
  • 22. New Moon
  •       Earth Day
  • 24. Act in Space Innovation Contest
  • 26. Waxing Crescent Moon near Venus
  •       Uranus at Solar Conjunction
  •       Pluto Begins Retrograde Motion
  • 27. Moon at Ascending Node
  • 28. Waxing Crescent Moon at Northernmost Declination: 23.9° N
  •       Venus at Greatest Apparent Magnitude (-4.52)for the Year
  • 30. First Quarter Moon
  •       Moon near Beehive Open Star Cluster