Monthly Calendar
September 2019

  • 01. Waxing Crescent Moon Near Spica
  • 02. Mars in Conjunction with Sun
  • 04. Mercury at Superior Conjunction
  • 06. First Quarter Moon
  •       Waxing Gibbous Moon Near Jupiter
  • 08. Waxing Gibbous Moon Very Close
  •       Conjunction with Saturn
  •       Moon at Descending Node
  • 09. Moon Very Close to Dwarf Planet Pluto
  •       Neptune at Opposition
  • 13. Moon at Apogee: 252,511 miles (406,378 km)
  • 14. Full Moon (2nd Largest full Moon this year)
  • 17. Sun does enter Astronomical zodiac sign of
  •          Virgo the Harvest Maiden
  • 18. Saturn Ends Retrograde Motion
  • 20. Waning Gibbous Moon in Conjunction with Aldebaran
  • 22. Last Quarter Moon
  • 23. Moon at Ascending Node
  •       Sun does not enter the astrological sign of
  •          Libra the Scales
  •       September Equinox 7:50 UT (2:50 am CDT)
  •       Waning Crescent Moon in Conjunction with Gemini Twins
  • 24. Waning Crescent Moon Near Beehive Open Star Cluster
  • 26. Waning Crescent Moon in Conjunction with Regulus
  • 28. Moon at Perigee: 222,328 miles (357,803 km)
  •       New Moon
  • 29-31. Waxing Crescent Moon on the Move