Monthly Calendar
March 2019

  • 04. Moon at Apogee: 252,520 miles (406,391 km)
  • 06. New Moon
  • 07. Neptune in Conjunction with Sun
  • 10. Begin Daylight Saving Time
  • 11. Waxing Crescent Moon Near Mars
  • 12. Sun enters the Astronomical constellation Pisces the Fishes.
  • 13. Waxing Crescent Moon Near Aldebaran
  • 14. First Quarter Moon
  •       Pi Day
  • 15. Mercury at Inferior Conjunction
  • 16. Moon at Ascending Node
  • 17. Waxing Gibbous Moon Near Beehive Open Star Cluster
  • 18. Waxing Gibbous Moon Near Regulus
  • 19. Moon at Perigee: 223,309 miles (359,381 km)
  • 20. March Equinox (21:58 UT – 5:58 pm EDT)
  •       Sun does not enter the astrological constellation Aries the Ram
  • 21. Full Moon (A Super Moon)
  • 23. Martian Summer Solstice
  • 27. Waning Gibbous Moon Near Jupiter
  • 28. Last Quarter Moon
  • 29. Moon Occultation with Saturn
  •       Moon Occultation with Pluto
  •       Moon at Descending Node
  • 31 Mars Near Pleiades Open Star Cluster
  •       Begin European Summer Time (Set Clocks Ahead 1 hour)