Monthly Calendar
July 2019

  • 02. New Moon
  •       Total solar eclipse
  • 03. Moon at ascending node
  •       Waxing crescent Moon near Mars and Mercury
  • 04. Mercury near Beehive Open Star Cluster
  •       Earth at aphelion: 152,105,131 km (94,513,747 mi.)
  • 05. Moon at perigee: 363,729 km (226,011 mi.)
  • 0      Waxing crescent Moon near Regulus
  • 07. Mercury at aphelion
  • 09. First quarter Moon
  •       Saturn at opposition
  • 13. Mars near Beehive Open Star Cluster
  •       Waxing gibbous Moon near Jupiter
  • 15. Dwarf planet Pluto at opposition
  •       Waxing gibbous Moon near Saturn
  • 16. Moon at descending node
  •       Partial lunar eclipse
  •       Full Moon
  • 20. 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 Moon landing
  • 21. Sun Enters Cancer the Crab
          Moon at apogee: 405,480 km (251,954 mi.)
  •       Mercury at inferior conjunction
  • 23. Sun Does Not ENter Leo the Lion
  • 25. Last quarter Moon
  • 26. Waning crescent Moon near the Pleiades
  • 28. Waning crescent Moon near Aldebaran and the Hyades
  •       Delta-Aquarid meteor shower
  • 30. Moon at ascending node