Monthly Calendar
September 2018

  • September
  •  1. Venus near Spica
  •  2. Mercury at perihelion
  •  3. Moon near Aldebaran
  •      Last quarter Moon
  •  6. Moon at ascending node
  •      Saturn ends retrograde motion
  •  7. Moon near Beehive Star Cluster
  •      Neptune at opposition
  •  8. Moon at perigee: 361,355 km (224,535 miles)
  •  9. New Moon
  • 14. Moon near Jupiter
  • 16. Mars at perihelion
  •      First quarter Moon
  • 17. Moon near Saturn
  •       Sun Enters the Astronomical Sign of Virgo the Harvest Maiden
  • 20. Moon at apogee: 404,875 km (251,577 miles)
  •      Moon near Mars
  •      Moon at descending node
  • 21. Mercury at superior conjunction
  • 22. September equinox (7:54 pm CDT)
  •       Sun Is Not Really in the Astrological Sign of Libra the Scales.
  • 25. Full Moon
  •      Venus at greatest brilliance
  •      Saturn at east quadrature
  • 30. Moon near Aldebaran
  •      Mars and Neptune at heliocentric conjunction
