Monthly Calendar
October 2018

  • 01. NASA’s 60th Anniversary (1958)
  • 02. Last Quarter Moon
  • 04. Moon at Ascending Node
  •      Waning Crescent Moon near Beehive Star Cluster
  •      World Space Week (October 4-10)
  • 05. Waning Crescent Moon near Regulus
  •      Moon at Perigee: 227,668 miles (366,396 km)
  • 09. New Moon
  • 11. Waxing Crescent Moon near Jupiter
  • 15. Waxing Crescent Moon near Saturn
  • 16. Waxing Crescent Moon near Mercury
  •      First Quarter Moon
  •      Mars Winter Solstice
  • 17. Moon at Descending Node
  •      Moon at Apogee: 251,175 miles (404,227 km)
  • 18. Waxing Gibbous Moon near Mars
  • 20. International Observe the Moon Night
  • 21. Orionid Meteor Shower
  • 23. Sun Not Really in astrological sign of Scorpius
  • 24. Uranus at Opposition
  •      Full Moon
  • 26. Venus at Inferior Conjunction
  • 27. Aldebaran 1.6°S of Moon
  • 28. European Summer Time Ends
  • 29. Mercury 3.1° of Jupiter
  • 31. Moon at Ascending Node
  •      Sun Enters Astronomical Sign of Libra
  •      Waning Gibbous Moon near Beehive Star Cluster
  •      Last Quarter Moon
  •      Moon at Perigee: 230,032 miles (370,201 km)