Monthly Calendar
December 2018

  • 02. Waning crescent Moon near Regulus
  • 04. Daylight Saving Time ends
  • 05. South Taurid meteor shower
  • 06. Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation
  • 07. New Moon
  • 09. Mercury near Antares
  •       Carl Sagan Day
  • 11. Waxing crescent Moon near Saturn
  • 12. Taurid meteor shower
  • 13. Moon at descending node
  • 14. Moon at apogee: 404,341 km (251,246 mi.)
  • 15. First quarter Moon
  •       Moon near Mars
  • 16. Venus near Spica
  • 17. Leonid meteor shower
  •       Asteroid Juno at opposition
  • 18. Sun Does Enters the Astronomical Sign of Sagittarius
  • 21. Sun Does Not Enter the Astrological Sign of Capricornus
  • 23. Full Moon
  •       Moon near Aldebaran
  • 26. Jupiter in conjunction with the Sun
  •       Moon at perigee: 366,623 km (227,809 mi.)
  • 27. Moon at ascending node
  •       Mercury at inferior conjunction
  • 29. Mercury at perihelion
  •       Waning gibbous Moon near Regulus
  • 30. Last quarter Moon