planet watch
above the solar system
whats up
Volume 18 -- Issue 10
Planet Watch -- October 2012

Mercury sets shortly after the Sun but this month Mercury is very low above the western horizon and is not well placed for viewing from the northern hemisphere.
Venus is moving eastward toward the Sun and on the morning of the 3rd Venus will come within 0.15o of the star Regulus in Leo. During this month Venus will traverse the length of Leo passing the Lion's tail, Denebola on the 20th.
On the 3rd the ISS will pass within about 0.5o of Venus and Regulus.
Click here to go to the NASA ISS Sightings web page to see the times for ISS sightings in your area.

Mars sets about 2 hours after the Sun sets over the course of this month the setting time for Mars will slowly catch up with the Sun, and by the end of the month Mars may be tto close to the Sun as well as too low to easily see.
Jupiter rises around 9 p.m. local time and remains visible near the stars of the open cluster, the Hyades, this month.
Saturn is low above the western horizon at thebeginning of the month and by the end of the first week is too close to the to be easily seen.