planet watch
whats up
Volume 18 -- Issue 9
Sky Watch Calendar -- September 2012
04. Waning Gibbous Moon Near Aries
05. Dawn Departs Vesta
07. Moon at Apogee - 404, 294 km
Waning Gibbous Moon Near Pleiades
Jupiter at West Quadrature
08. Last Quarter Moon
Last Quarter Moon Near Jupiter
09. Waning Crescent Moon Occults or is
   Very Close to Dwarf Planet Ceres
10. Mercury at Superior Conjunction
12. Waning Crescent Moon near Venus
14. Waning Crescent Moon near Regulus
16. New Moon
Sun Enters Astronomical Sign of Virgo
17. Pluto Ends Retrograde Motion
Waxing Crescent Moon near Spica
18. Waxing Crescent Moon near Saturn
19. Moon at Perigee - 365 752 km
Waxing Crescent Moon near Mars
20. Waxing Crescent Moon near Antares
22. First Quarter Moon
International Observe the Moon Night
September Equinox (9:47am CDT)
Sun Enters Astrological Sign of Libra
24. Asteroid Pallas at Opposition
26. Casini Flyby of Titan
29. Uranus at Opposition
30. Full Moon