planet watch
above the solar system
whats up
Volume 18 -- Issue 5
Planet Watch -- May 2012

Mercury is visible but low over the eastern horizon at sunrise as it moves toward superior conjunction at month's end. Best viewing for Mercury this month favors the southern hemisphere.
Venus continues to shine brightly over the western horizon at sunset however it is steadily moving westward toward the Sun and setting earlier each evening. Getting closer to the transit next month. Watch for Venus to move past the star Elnath in Taurus during the first week of the month.

Mars rises after sunset and is visible all night near the star Regulus in Leo. Retrograde motion ended last month and as we pull away from Mars its brightness is steadily decreasing.
Jupiter is not visible thi smonth as it is passing through superior conjunction. Watch for the giant planet to reappear on the other side of the Sun, in the pre-dawn skies sometime in June.
Saturn will be be visible nearly all night, near the bright blue-white star Spica in Virgo.

Click here to see a graphic set for mid-month showing the solar system as seen from an overhead perspective.