Credits & Particulars
Graphics manipulation - Photoshop Elements; and Ulead GifAnimator. HTML done with CoffeeCup 2012 HTML Editor. Sky image displays, charts and animations start with Starry Night Pro Plus.

These Articles, activities, and the monthly newsletter are allowed to be reproduced for classroom use; inclusion in another newsletter, or linked with another web site, without written permission. Any other use will require written permission.

Qué tal? in the Current Skies © 1995-2012 Bob Riddle - Starwalk, Inc. 1021 S.E. 7th Street. Lee's Summit Missouri. 64063 USA. Latitude: 38.905597oN ; Longitude: 94.355554oW.

ISS- Not as Big as you would think! Bob is Adjunct Faculty for Longview Community College where he teaches online and classroom-based courses in Astronomy. He is the column editor for Scope on the Skies, a monthly feature of the NSTA middle school journal, Science Scope magazine, and to date has published nearly 200 columns. He is an active member of the National Science Teachers Association and other Science Education organizations, having conducted workshops or presentations at more than 200 regional, national and international conferences. Bob has served as Planetarium Director for the Kansas City Missouri School District. He has been a Science Consultant for Successlink Science and and has traveled around the state working with science teachers and students in the middle and high school grades. Since starting his career in education in 1975, he has taught upper elementary, middle school and high school Science in traditional, alternative and Academically Gifted settings.

He has also been an outreach educator for several NASA programs including the Solar System Educator Program, the International Solar Terrestrial Project, and the Solar System Ambassador Program. In 1999 he was one of 18 Educators in the United States selected as a Cassini Fellow by NASA/JPL.

Bob holds a BS Degree in Earth Science from Sul Ross State University in Alpine Texas and an MS Degree in Physical Geography from Illinois State University in Normal Illinois.

Bob and his wife Sue are empty-nesters living in Lee's Summit, Missouri. They share their home with Chloe the wanderer cat, and Tyler, aka 'Mr. T', a Chow / Labrador mix.
My Resume (pdf).

Disclaimer: Any use of this newsletter, in any manner whatsoever, will increase the amount of disorder in the universe. Although no liability is implied herein, the reader is warned that this process will ultimately lead to the heat death of the universe.