planet watch
above the solar system
whats up
Volume 18 -- Issue 3
Planet Watch -- March 2012

Mercury is visible over the western horizon at sunset moving a bit further east from the Sun toward eastern elongation. For about the first two weeks of this month Mercury will be high enough above the horizon to see. Take advantage of this to catch a glimpse of this fast moving and somewhat elusive planet.
Venus continues to shine brightly over the western horizon at sunset as it sets a little later each evening while it moves further toward the east away from the Sun and elongation. Venus catches up with Jupiter and the two form a striking pair - the two brightest planets.

Mars rises around sunset this month as it will be at opposition on the 5th and visible all night.
The 'red planet' continues its retrograde motion this month. Click here to see a table showing the coordinate positions and distance from Earth during the retrograde motion period.

Jupiter shines about half as bright as Venus from its location above the southwestern horizon at sunset. Watch for these two bright planets move closer to each other toward a close 'encounter' of the planetary kind.
Saturn rises a couple of hours before midnight this month and is easily seen near the bright blue-white star Spica in Virgo.

Click here to see a graphic set for mid-month showing the solar system as seen from an overhead perspective.