planet watch
whats up
Volume 18 -- Issue 6
Sky Watch Calendar -- June 2012
01. Waxing Gibbous Moon Near Saturn
03. Moon at Perigee - 358 484 km
04. Full Moon
Full Moon near Antares
Partial Luanr Eclipse
Neptune Begins Retrograde Motion
05. Venus at Inferior Conjunction
Venus Transit
06. Mars at East Quadrature
07. Cassini Orbiter Flyby of Titan
MSL Course Trajectory Manuver
11. Last Quarter Moon
16. Moon at Apogee - 405 787 km
17. Very Thin Waning Crescent Moon
Near Jupiter and Venus
19. New Moon
20. June Solstice (6:07pm CDT)
Sun Enters Astrological Sign of Cancer
21. Sun Enters Astronomical Sign of Gemini
Thin Waxing Crescent Moon Near Mercury
24. Waxing Crescent Moon Near Regulus
26. Saturn Ends Retrograde Motion
Waxing Crescent Moon Near Mars
27. First Quarter Moon
Moon near Saturn and Spica
Venus Ends Retrograde Motion
29. Pluto at Opposition
Uranus at West Quadrature
30. Waxing Gibbous Moon near Antares