planet watch
whats up
Volume 18 -- Issue 4
Sky Watch Calendar -- April 2012
03. Mercury Ends Retrograde Motion
Waxing Gibbous Moon
    Near Regulus and Mars
06. Full Moon
Full Moon Near Spica and Saturn
07. Moon at Perigee - 358 314 km
10. Pluto Begins Retrograde Motion
Waning Gibbous Moon Near Antares
11. Globe at Night (11th-20th)
13. Last Quarter Moon
14. Cassini flyby of Enceladeus
15. Saturn at Opposition
16. Mars Ends Retrograde Motion
18. Sun Enters Astronomical Sign of Aries
Mercury at Western Elongation
19. Sun Enters Astrological Sign of Taurus
21. New Moon
22. Moon at Apogee - 406 419 km
Waxing Crescent Moon Near Jupiter
Lyrid Meteor Shower Peak
23. Astronomy Week (23rd-29th)
24. Waxing Crescent Moon Near Venus
28. Astronomy Day
Waxing Crescent Moon Near Gemini Twins
29. First Quarter Moon
30. Venus at Greatest Brilliance