Welcome to this issue of
Qué tal in the Current Skies

Here you will find useful observing information about the visible planets, our Moon and other moons, the Sun, as well as various 'things' celestial. Among these web pages you will find monthly star maps for either the northern or southern hemisphere that are suitable for printout. Animated images are utilized to illustrate celestial motions such as orbital motions of the planets, and other solar orbiting objects, or apparent and real motions along the ecliptic and the local horizon. Regular features include plotting the monthly positions of the visible planets using heliocentric coordinates; following - moon phases; conjunctions; Sun's apparent, and Earth's real motion along the ecliptic.

Volume 26          Issue 1
January 2020
   Month at a Glance:

     This month the annual Geminid Meteor Shower will reach its peak on the morning of January 4th. This annual meteor shower lasts from the last week of December through mid-January. It is a somewhat unusual meteor shower because the meteoroids entering our atmosphere becoming the meteorites, we see come from Asteroid 2003 EH1 rather than from a comet. It is thought that the asteroid may be the remnants of a comet that is no longer active as it orbits the Sun in 5.52 years.

Click here for the month at a glance calendar.
January 5th - The Earth is at Perihelion

Mercury moves from superior conjunction, on the opposite side of the Sun, to becoming more visible as an evening planet at sunset local time, until mid-February when it moves into inferior conjunction, between the Earth and the Sun.
Venus is very visible shining brightly over the western horizon at sunset local time.
Mars rises before sunrise local time and is visible over the eastern horizon.
Dwarf Planet Ceres is too close to the Sun to be seen this month.
Jupiter will slowly become more visible over the eastern horizon in the pre-dawn skies.
Saturn moves into solar conjunction, on the opposite side of the sun, and will not be visible again until later next month as it becomes more visible over the eastern horizon in the pre-dawn skies

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Did you know? Qué tal in the Current Skies was selected by Sky & Telescope Magazine as one of the "Seven Best of the Web" personal web sites.

January Sky Calendar

01. Mars as a 'Morning Star'
02. Moon at Apogee: 251,394 miles (404,580 km)
03. First Quarter Moon
04. Quadrantids Meteor Shower
      Waxing Gibbous Moon near Uranus
05. Earth at Perihelion: 0.9832 AU (91,398,199 miles : 147,091,144 km)
07. Waxing Gibbous Moon near Aldebaran
09. Moon at Ascending Node
10. Mercury Superior Conjunction
      Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
      Full Moon near Pollux

11. Waning Gibbous Moon near, M-44, the Beehive Open Star Cluster
      Uranus Ends Retrograde Motion
12. Waning Gibbous Moon near Regulus
13. Saturn at Solar Conjunction
      Moon at Perigee: 227,396 miles (365,958 km)
17. Last Quarter Moon
      Last Quarter Moon near Spica
      Mars Passes Antares over the next week
20. Waning Crescent Moon near Mars and Antares
      Sun Does Enter the Astronomical constellation
         of Capricornus the Sea Goat
      Sun Does Not Enter the astrological constellation
         of Aquarius the Water Bearer

22. Moon at Descending Node
      Very Thin Waning Crescent Moon near Jupiter
      Uranus at East Quadrature
24. New Moon
25. Very Thin Waxing Crescent Moon near Mercury
27. Thin Waxing Crescent Moon, west of Venus
28. Thin Waxing Crescent Moon, east of Venus
29. Moon at Apogee: 251,899 miles (405,393 km)
31. Waxing Crescent Moon near Uranus and Dwarf Planet Eris
January  1January 1 - 7:00 am CST
January 2January 2 - Moon at Apogee
251,394 miles (404,580 km)
January 4January 4 - 7:00 pm CST
January 5January 5 - Earth at Perihelion
0.9832 AU (91,398,199 miles : 147,091,144 km)
January 7January 7 - 7:00 pm CST
January 10January 10 - 7:00 pm CST
January 11January 11- 10 pm CST
January 12January 12 - 10:00 pm CST
January 13January 13 - Moon at Perigee
227,396 miles (365,958 km)
January 17January 17 - 6:00 am CST
January 20January 20 - 6 am CST
January 22January 22 - 7:00 am CST
January 27January 27 - 6:30 pm CST
January 28January 28 - 6:30 pm CST
January 29January 29 - Apogee Moon
251,899 miles (405,393 km)
Above the Solar System at 10 day Intervals
Planet Coordinates for January

Planet cordinate data for the visible planets and the Sun at 10-day intervals for this month.
Click here to see the web page showing this information, and also for a larger and easier to read version of the above graphic.

Above the Terrestrial Planets at 10 day Intervals
My Local Time: CST (UT-6)
Lee's Summit, Missouri, U.S.A.
38.9116°N, 94.3617°W

Your Current Local Date and Time:

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    Disclaimer: Any use of my posted information, in any manner whatsoever, will raise the amount of disorder in the universe. Although no liability is implied herein, the reader is warned that this process will ultimately lead to the heat death of the universe.
