Welcome to this issue of
Qué tal in the Current Skies

Here you will find useful observing information about the visible planets, our Moon and other moons, the Sun, as well as various 'things' celestial. Among these web pages you will find monthly star maps for either the northern or southern hemisphere that are suitable for printout. Animated images are utilized to illustrate celestial motions such as orbital motions of the planets, and other solar orbiting objects, or apparent and real motions along the ecliptic and the local horizon. Regular features include plotting the monthly positions of the visible planets using heliocentric coordinates; following moon phases; conjunctions; the sun's apparent motion and the Earth's real motion along the ecliptic.
Scroll down for more web site information, resources, and a link to the previous month issue.

Volume 24          Issue 11
November 2018
   Month at a Glance:
This month
Click here for the month at a glance calendar.

17 November 5:30 pm CST

Mercury moves into the evening skies but it stays too low over the western horizon to be seen from the Northern Hemisphere.
Venus reappears as a morning planet during the last two weeks of the month.
Mars is visible over the southern horizon at sunset setting around midnight local time. As the distance between Earth and Mars continues to increase Mars will noticeably dim in apparent magnitude.
Dwarf Planet Ceres is too close to the Sun and moves into solar conjunction on the 7th.
Jupiter is very low over the western horizon at sunset local time and is increasingly difficult to observe. Jupiter moves into solar conjunction on the 26th.
Saturn is visible but low over the southwestern horizon at sunset local time and sets about 2 hours after the Sun.

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November Sky Calendar

02. Waning crescent Moon near Regulus
04. Daylight Saving Time ends
05. South Taurid meteor shower
06.Waning Crescent Moon near Spica, Venus, and Ceres
      Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation
07. New Moon
09. Mercury near Antares
11. Waxing Crescent Moon near Saturn
      Carl Sagan Day

12. Taurid meteor shower
13. Moon at descending node
14. Moon at apogee: 404,341 km (251,246 miles)
15. First quarter Moon
      Waxing gibbous Moon near Mars
16. Venus near Spica
17. Leonid meteor shower
      Asteroid Juno at opposition
22. Sun not in Sagittarius

23. Full Moon
      Moon near Aldebaran
      Sun Does Enters Scorpius
26. Jupiter in conjunction with the Sun
      Moon at perigee: 366,623 km (227,809 miles)
27. Moon at ascending node
      Mercury at inferior conjunction
29. Mercury at perihelion
      Waning gibbous Moon near Regulus
30. Last quarter Moon
      Sun Does Enter Ophichus
November 2November 2 - 4:00 am CDT
November 6November 6 - 6 am CST
November 6November 6 - Mercury at Eastern Elongation
November 9November 9 - 6:30 pm CST
November 11November 11 - 6:30 pm CST
November 14November 14 - Moon at Apogee
404,341 km (251,246 miles)
November 15November 15 - 7 pm CST
November 16November 16 - 6:15 am CST
November 17November 22 - Sun Not in Sagittarius
November 22November 22 - Sun does Enter Scorpius
November 23November 23 - 7 pm CST
November 26November 26- Jupiter at Solar Conjunction
November 26November 26 - Moon at Perigee
366,623 km (227,809 miles)
November 27November 27 -Mercury at Inferior Conjunction
November 30November 30 - Sun Enters Ophichus
Above the Solar System at 10 day Intervals

Heliocentric Coordinaes

Name November 03 November 12 Novemberber 22
Mercury 306o 07' 343o 13' 032o 43'
Venus 043o 22' 059o 24' 075o 30'
Earth 039o 30' 049o 33' 059o 37'
Mars 005o 44' 011o 55' 018o 01'
Ceres 198o 52' 201o 15' 203o 45'
Jupiter 242o 03' 242o 50' 243o 37'
Saturn 278o 41' 279o 59' 280o 17'
Plot planet positions using polar graph paper that you can download from this web site - or at that web site create your own.

Above the Terrestrial Planets at 10 day Intervals
Local Time CST (UT-6)

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