planet watch
above the solar system

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Volume 22 -- Issue 1
Planet Watch -- January 2016

Mercury is briefly visible for the first few days of the month at sunset but it moves quickly into inferior conjunction on the 14th and then reappears in the evening skies toward the end of the month.
Venus continies shining brightly over the eastern horizon before the Sun rises. Watch for a close conjunction between Venus and Saturn and the thin waning crescent Moon on the morning of the 7th.
Mars rises an hour or so after midnight local time and is visible the rest of the night hours.
Jupiter rises during mid-evening and is very visible high over the southern horizon at sunrise.
Saturn rises an hour or so before the Sun rises and is near the star Antares in Scorpius.

Comet (C/2013 US10) becomes possibly more visible during January as it climbs higher in the morning skies. Here is observing information from the Heavens Above web site.