planet watch

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Volume 21 -- Issue 12
Sky Watch Calendar -- December 2015
01. Mars at Heliocentric Conjunction with
Jupiter (Same Heliocentric Longitude)
02. Waning Gibbous Moon Regulus
03. Last Quarter Moon
04. Moon at Ascending Node
Waning Crescent Moon near Jupiter
05. Moon at Apogee - 404,800 km
06. Waning Crescent Moon near Mars
07. Waning Crescent Moon near Venus
Waning Crescent Moon near
Venus and Comet Catalina (C/2013 US10)
11. New Moon
13. Geminid Meteor Shower
14. Jupiter at West Quadrature
17. Cassini Titan Flyby
18. First Quarter Moon
Moon at Descending Node
Sun Enters the Astronomical
   Sign of Sagittarius the Archer
19. Waxing Gibbous Moon near Uranus
21. Moon at Perigee - (368,417 km)
Saturn near Antares
22. December Solstice (0448 UT)
Sun Does Not Enter the
   Astrological Sign of Capricorn the Sea Goat
23. Waxing Gibbous Moon near Aldebaran
25. Full Moon
26. Uranus Ends Retrograde Motion
28. Waning Gibbous Moon near Regulus
29. Mercury at East Elongation
31. Waning Gibbous Moon near Jupiter

2015 Moon Phases from NASA GSFC and LRO

(These are videos on YouTube)